While the courses are not intended to provide or replace expertise in the various professions, as they are essentially English language courses, the coach does have a background of broad and varied business/commercial experience and is, therefore, more able to understand and cater to the needs of business English Students on a practical level. Course components are based on commercial course books, and are intended to form the base of the course, but components can be added to the base course unless the quantity of additional components makes the purchase of additional books more feasible and cost/time effective.

Where coaching takes place on company premises, the company undertakes to provide for use of photocopying facilities, a whiteboard or equivalent, and, upon occasion, DVD and projection facilities. The coach will supply a CD or MP3 Player as necessary. Where coaching takes place on the trainer’s premises, the coach will supply all equipment.

Course aims and individual needs are clearly defined at course commencement and every effort is made to meet individual needs. Course components are discussed and agreed upon by the individuals at the point of commencement and course plans are thereafter drawn up to suit the established requirements. This component based approach allows for greater flexibility to meet the individual needs and course plans and scheduling are on a provisional basis to be used as a guideline and do not, therefore, prevent spontaneous needs (eg. Active help for a student’s actual presentation or meeting, etc) in the field being fulfilled.

Satisfaction is monitored via Feedback forms before course completion. Progress Reports for Cambridge exam courses are supplied and Progress Reports for non-exam courses are available on request.

Courses are payable before commencement of course. Cancellation of lesson periods are not charged if notified by e-mail 7 days in advance, subject to a maximum of one cancellation per calendar month. Holiday periods are negotiable in advance and are not subject to charge.

Course Materials:
Course books are supplied at cost, and charged separately in addition to course fees. Supplementary materials are free of charge.

University of Cambridge
Cambridge Exams
On-line Dictonary
Books to Read
Staehli International Bookshop
BBC World News
Business Week Online
Financial Times
Information Strategy Online
Reuters News (Global)
Annova Business Information
BBC Business English
Business English Magazine
The Times
Spotlight online magazine